In this course we are going to learn how to create a quirky comic for newspapers and the web. This is part 2 of my comic making series and it is focused mainly on digital comics. The purpose of this course is to build off whatever foundation you have for making comics and teach you some of my tips and tricks I use to create my work. If you have never made a comic before, check out part 1 of my comic making series where we learn the foundations of making comics through making socially conscious comics for print media. Part 1 is a depth look at how comics are made with a variety of examples. This course follows the same format, but with the understanding that you are already familiar with the comic making process and you want to explore it even further. At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of how to create a quirky comic with a lighthearted joke and publish it in print, onInstagram, or any other web platform. This course is meant for intermediate creators that have a basic foundation of how to draw pictures on paper. You don't need to be an experienced comic created by any means, but it would be helpful to knowhow to make art.
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Buy or Rent on Gumroad: https://iltopia.gumroad.com/l/HHBzIN
Check out the course on Skillshare: Coming Soon
Check it out on Udemy: Coming Soon