In this course, we will be learning how to create an animated and augmented sticker. This course is part 2 of my sticker making series where I teach you how to create a handmade sticker out of everyday creative tools. We explored the rendering process to improve our art making practice and create something we can share and stick anywhere. We build on what we learned there to explore the world of 2D animation by creating an animated loop based on the sticker design we created and bringing it to life with motion. We use some of the core principles of animation to create something magical you can share on any digital platform. After we animated, we learn to augment the physical sticker using augmented reality. Augmented Reality is a great way to bridge the gaps between the digital and physical world. I will teach you some of my techniques to give you a solid foundation on how to use technology to take your art to the next level. This is an action-packed course that covers a lot of new and exciting things. I hope you enjoy this creative journey as much as I enjoyed creating and leading you through it. This course is meant for intermediate creators that have used the Unity game engine before and have some experience with 2D animation, but it is not necessary follow along with this course.
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Buy or Rent on Gumroad: https://iltopia.gumroad.com/l/KzjRN
Check out the course on Skillshare: Coming Soon
Check it out on Udemy: Coming Soon