This is a 2-part course that will teach you how to approach building worlds in a way that is relevant to your creative interests and will help improve your creative efficiency. Building worlds allows you to tell stories and create experiences that connect people together in unimaginable ways. More importantly, world building leads to greater immersion. We see it in movies, video games, and even XR experiences. In this course, we will build off whatever knowledge of world building you already have and add new tools and approaches to make worlds you can interact with. Part 1 of this course covers the basics and foundations of world building, while part 2 of world building covers exploration and creation.
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Buy or Rent on Gumroad: https://iltopia.gumroad.com/l/rtmOn
Check out the course on Skillshare: https://skl.sh/3dvClnO
Check it out on Udemy: Coming Soon