Stuck E in Augmented Reality originally started out as the Stuck E Podcast - a podcast about me and my life as an athlete trying to get into medicine. I made a shift with it at the beginning of 2020 as a response to the Pandemic and ultimately the loss of all of my then freelance projects. I decided to rebrand my content creation as the "Black guy on YouTube that makes AR stuff." I did this because I have been trying to find a way to redefine myself as something other than an ex-football player. I saw an opportunity with AR because there were were no Black people making AR stuff on YouTube. I figured I can carve out my own niche. That journey has led me down a path that allows me to share my experiences as a Black augmented reality developer that is trying to get in to medical school. The shift had been rewarding as of lately.
New Description:
Ever wondered what augmented reality is all about? What are the opportunities and future growth in the space? How can you get involved and create in the space? Steven Christian answers that and more in The Stuck E in Augmented Reality! Formerly the Stuck E Podcast, host Steven Christian talks about working in the augmented reality space as an artist, athlete, and healthcare professional. He explores A.R. in the intersections of athletics, academics, and the arts that will give you food for thought.
Stuck E in Augmented Reality Podcast and YouTube Series
This whole series started off as a way to express myself, but when the paandemic hit