In this course, we will be learning how to use scratch to make games and immersive experiences. We will cover all the basics from what the platform is, all the resources that are available, how the tools work, and how you can create some really fun experiences. Scratch is a perfect platform to get introduced to many of the skills required to be a game developer, experience creator, and an artist in emerging tech.We will complete a multitude of projects along this journey. Each one of these projects will introduce you to a new element of the Scratch platform, and give you a solid foundation to create anything you can imagine.-This course is meant for beginners that are interested in design thinking, developing experiences, and making interactive art.
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Buy or Rent on Gumroad: https://iltopia.gumroad.com/l/roOTG
Check out the course on Skillshare: Coming Soon
Check it out on Udemy: Coming Soon